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Health Insurance Leads: Reach Motivated Shoppers, All Year Long

Written by Susan Anderson | March 5, 2019

Health Insurance Leads - Affordable Data that Converts

If you’ve ever tried to feed a pack of teenagers over Spring Break, you’ve got some idea what it’s like trying to keep a call center flush with health insurance leads. Even after daily trips to the grocery store to restock your freezer with pizza rolls and your shelves with potato chips, the refrain remains the same:

“There’s nothing to eat!”

It’s back to the store for you.

If there’s one entity on earth more ravenous than a hungry horde of teens, it’s a call center that’s ready to scale.

The major difference - other than the lack of video games - is that call centers are significantly pickier about what you feed them. Skilled agents working optimized sales processes simply make more sales when the prospects they’re calling are ready to buy.

What Kind of Health Insurance Leads Do You Need?

Are you selling:

  • Major medical health insurance plans?

  • Bridge health insurance plans?

  • Short-term health plans?

Do you want to call health insurance shoppers who:

  • Are eligible for the federal exchange? A state exchange?

  • Have had a qualifying life event in the past 30 days?

  • Go looking during open enrollment?

  • Qualify for subsidies?

No matter what your ideal health insurance customers are like, it’s a sure bet that we can put you in touch with them. Not only that, but there’s no more cost-efficient way to generate health insurance leads than the way we do it.

While you probably could (and probably do) generate health insurance leads in-house, the challenge is generating ENOUGH leads. That’s the hard part for most of our clients because of all the testing and risk involved. By tapping into a never-ending source of leads who are actively shopping for health insurance, you can help your call center blow right past the goals for the quarter.

Here’s How You Get All the Health Insurance Data Leads You Need

On your end, it’s simple: You just let us know what kind of leads you want and how many you can handle. Running low? We’ll send more!

On our end, well, that’s where the work is. It’s a good thing we’ve got a solid, thoroughly vetted battery of publishers who specialize in generating health insurance leads, because it’s not as easy as it looks.


Here’s how we help you fill your sales funnel in five easy steps:

Step 1: We Only Work with the Best Publishers

Our publishers have to meet some rather stringent requirements. They’ve got to have a proven track record of generating fully-compliant leads, specifically using the tactics we approve. Less than 1% of the publishers who apply to our network make the cut, in fact.

Step 2: Our Publishers Reach Your Ideal Insurance Prospects

These highly-skilled publishers know how to reach and connect with your ideal health insurance buyers effectively. They’re either really great at what they do or they don’t last long in this business. It’s not as simple as running an ad and watching commissions roll in! Successful publishers know where to find your new policy-holders, when they’re most likely to take action, and how to create a great insurance shopping experience for them. This could be through content marketing, paid ads, email marketing, or even targeted surveys.

Step 3: Insurance Shoppers Ask for Your Help

When your prospective health insurance customers raise a hand to get help choosing a policy, they do so by entering their contact information into a form and clicking “submit” to start the process. They know their phone will ring soon because help is on the way. (That’s you!) They’ve already agreed to receiving a phone call - and because our publishers use either Jornaya or TrustedForm, we’ve got proof of this “prior written consent” which is crucial for TCPA compliance.

Step 4: Time to Start Dialing… Maybe

From here, the process could go a couple of different ways. Your call center could get the data lead at this point. Or, using some exciting new artificial intelligence technology, the contact could begin with a text conversation to confirm their interest. It’s remarkable how good AI has gotten, and it’s getting better all the time - at a mind-boggling rate. In fact, your prospect probably won’t realize that the person on the other end of that text conversation isn’t exactly a person. Either way, your call center’s about to speak with someone who’s on the brink of making a health insurance buying decision.

(If you’d rather have inbound health insurance calls instead, read this article.)

Step 5: Your Call Center Smashes Sales Records

You’ve seen what goes into a successful campaign. It’s simple: Get the right offer in front of the right people at the right time. Give them the information and guidance they need to make a buying decision. Handle their objections and answer their questions. Then close the loop and make the sale.

Half of that task list falls to us. The rest is up to your agents. Because we do our part so well, the part that’s left to your agents becomes easier than ever. Plus, because buying health insurance data leads is one of the most affordable options around, it’s easy to keep your cost per acquisition (CPA) numbers in check, too.

First, a Test… Then Get All the Health Insurance Leads You Can Handle

We like to think of running a test sort of like tasting an unfamiliar ice cream flavor. You know, with the little pink spoon? This way you know you’ll love a full cone. No surprises.

In the same way, the best way to get started buying health insurance data leads is to start with a small test. We’ll help you optimize to make sure you get the results you’re looking for - and when you’re ready, filling your sales funnel to capacity is as simple as asking for more.

You’re just one conversation away from having a never-ending supply of health insurance leads for your sales team. Feeding those teens, though… the best we can do is suggest putting the local pizza place on speed dial!