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Remote Jobs: Why Productivity Spikes When Your Workforce Stays Home

Written by Susan Anderson | June 8, 2020

Could remote work from home jobs be the solution to retaining hardworking, loyal, and productive employees?

Remote work from home jobs were once considered a unicorn in the employment section. When the idea of allowing workers to telecommute first began, many companies were reluctant. After all, no one would be around to micromanage every second of a worker’s day. Would employees take advantage of the situation? Would they just run up paid time at the company’s expense?

All these initial fears turned out to be false. Companies that took the virtual plunge soon discovered the many benefits of allowing their employees to work from home. Perhaps the most surprising, however, was the massive boost in productivity.

The Sudden Work at Home Shift

Before 2020, about 5 million people across the United States worked from home at least half of the time. But as COVID-19 forced businesses to close their offices, more workers found themselves working from home. And many of them hope to ditch their commute even after things get back to normal.

However, what surprised companies most was how much they could still rely on their workforce to perform their tasks from home. Many employees even worked harder than before. Here’s why many businesses now believe remote working is the best solution for both their workers and their bottom line:

1. Say Goodbye to Office Distractions

Employees want to do a good job on the clock, but it’s easy to get distracted at work. There’s always someone walking by your desk or gathering around the water cooler. Noises from neighboring workers can make it hard to focus. All these distractions lead to wasted time.

Working from a home office reduces these distractions. It’s easy to start a project and complete it without worrying about someone interrupting. Staying focused makes people work more efficiently, and it also boosts how much they can finish in a day. And when more gets done each day, companies see higher profits.

2. Being Late Is a Thing of the Past

Perhaps the worst part about going to work is the commute. Whether someone drives a car or takes public transportation, they still must make it from point A to point B on time. Rush hour traffic is unpredictable, and you never know when something may slow you down in the morning.

Commuting and stress go hand-in-hand. Working from home, however, eliminates the commute and all the hassles that come with it. Employees feel more refreshed at the beginning of their shifts. They are also less likely to show up late when their commute is a 30-second walk across the house.

3. Greatly Reduces Absenteeism

People get sick. There’s no way to avoid illness, but at work, a single respiratory infection can wreak havoc on an entire workforce in a matter of days. And, remember, some employees even call in sick when they feel well.

While you don’t want contagious workers walking around the office, companies do lose money whenever someone calls out. Over half of all employees call in sick 4-5 days per year, on average. However, those who work from a home office are less likely to use their sick or personal days.

4. Workers Take Fewer Breaks

How many minutes until lunch? Is it time to go home yet? In a traditional office, many employees spend a surprising amount of time staring at the clock. They can’t wait until they can step away from their desk for a few minutes. On the other hand, it shocks many companies to learn that their workforce takes fewer breaks when they work at home.

Even though a few small breaks may seem negligible, they do add up. These seemingly benign lost minutes can put a damper on productivity. But those who have the freedom to telecommute don’t seem to need as many breaks. And when they do, their breaks are shorter, and more workers are likely to work their full shift.

A Remote Company Ready to Hire You

If you want to land a rewarding work-from-home job, look no further than Digital Market Media. Our virtual call centers make it possible to earn a steady income from the comfort of your home. Say goodbye to costly commutes and hello to a better work-life balance.

At Digital Market Media, we go above and beyond to make every call center agent feel like a member of our family. We provide all the support you need to succeed in your new position. Even though you’ll never see us in person, we’ll always be ready to lend a hand. It’s no wonder why our employees never leave!

We have many open positions, and we hope to add you to our growing list of happy, fulfilled agents. Browse our list of remote work from home jobs, and get ready to start a new career with Digital Market Media.