Resources - Digital Market Media

Voice Verified Leads

Written by Susan Anderson | January 24, 2019

Voice verified leads are the highly-affordable new option taking 2019 by storm.

What do you know about voice verified leads? If your honest answer is, “Um, what?” then you’re not alone. But if you’ll give us just a couple of minutes of your attention, we’ll fix that - and you may walk away with a whole new strategy for getting all the top-quality, fully compliant leads you can handle.

But first…

Why Bother Learning about Voice Verified Leads?

With all the lead generation tactics out there, if your response to hearing about some newfangled, fancy-dancy new “must-have” lead generation product is to crack open that new bottle of Advil in your desk drawer, it’s understandable. But we wouldn’t even bother introducing this new strategy to you if we weren’t sure you’d ultimately wind up as excited as we are about it.

In a nutshell, here’s how voice verified leads work (and some call them voice qualified leads):

  • A publisher runs an ad or publishes content that offers consumers a way to get more information about a product or service. One way that works beautifully is running compliant co-reg funnels, which also helps to keep the cost to a minimum.

  • Interested consumers enter their information into an online form so they can get answers to their questions via a follow-up phone call.

  • The form goes to a call center.

  • An agent calls the consumer and says, essentially, we have a request for more information from you. We’ve got just a couple of questions to make sure we put you in touch with someone who can help you get what you need. (That’s the “voice verified” part!) What questions? Any questions you want - within reason, of course. So, for example, we could have a co-reg medical focused funnel running. Consumers would enter their info into a form. We’d call them back and ask any questions our client specifies. Our client’s service does not even have to directly relate to the subject on the original landing page that the consumer saw, because the consumer opted-in to receive info on partner services.

  • If the consumer meets your qualifications, we’ll ask their permission to “stay in touch” with them.

  • If and only if it’s a fit, we’ll sell you the lead so your sales team can close it.

Voice Qualified Leads Are Fully Compliant

Before we look into any “new” kind of lead, the very first question we answer is, “Is this a tactic that’s compliant with the Telephone Communication Protection Act (TCPA)? How about the Do Not Call (DNC) provision within the TCPA? What about the GDPR?

If the answer is anything short of a resounding “YES!” then you’ll never hear about that tactic from us. Like the Sheriff in an old Western movie, we don’t take kindly to malfeasance. We’re proud of our white hat and wouldn’t trade it in for a black hat for all the money in the world. Not only is it our own reputation on the line, we’re dead serious about protecting our clients’ reputation and regulatory safety.

Some B2C lead generation companies might shy away from this level of compliance because compliant leads cost more than non-compliant ones. We don’t see it that way, though, for a couple of reasons:

  1. First, we love being able to go to sleep at night knowing we did the right thing every single day. There’s no price on our integrity - it’s too precious to put at risk.

  2. Second, we take a long-term perspective on serving our clients. Because we provide such high-quality, compliant calls, clicks, and leads at a CPA that makes sense, we know that our clients will stick with us for the long run. Client retention beats “churn and burn” every single time.

Voice Verified Leads Convert Like Mad

The sooner you can connect with a prospect who’s begun a search for the products and services you sell, the more likely they are to choose you when it comes to making a buying decision. With voice leads, it’s easy to start that conversation with them before they expand their search to chat with your competitors.

In addition to beating your competitors to the punch, we help ensure you only get leads who are primed and ready to take the next step with you. We consider voice verified leads to be qualified only if they answer your initial qualification questions the way you want them to, satisfy any other criteria you specify, and agree to be contacted by your sales team.

What Do Voice Verified Leads Cost?

That may be the very best part. While we can’t publish a blanket price list, since we don’t know what industry you’re in or what you need, we can tell you this:

The pricing is good. Really good. So good that if you closed that desk drawer full of Advil and Tums and opened a bottle of champagne instead, it would be completely understandable.

But before the celebration begins, the next step is for us to have a conversation so we can be sure that voice verified leads fit the bill for what you need - and to discuss next steps so you can use pay per call strategies to fill that funnel.