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Why Work at Home Is So Great for Families

Written by Susan Anderson | June 1, 2020

Working from the comfort of home provides many perks, especially for families. Discover how the best work from home companies enhance family life. 

Want to know more about how the best work from home companies are improving the lives of families across the nation? It’s no secret that more employees are discovering the benefits of remote work. The COVID-19 pandemic has given workers a taste of what work-at-home life is like, and it may prove challenging to return to the fast pace, restrictions, and inflexibility of a typical 9-to-5 day at the office. 

If you are someone who is trying to figure out how you can make an at-home job permanent instead of temporary, you have options. Keep reading to learn how some of the best work from home companies are improving lives for employees and their families. Then, find out how you can take advantage of this employment trend that seems to be here to stay.

More Quality Time, Less Travel Time

The daily commute to work is a time-suck. Even filling the time with audiobooks or XM radio really isn't enough to make you forget that you are sitting in a car, hands gripping the steering wheel, just wishing you could be home already. For some employees, the drive can be incredibly stressful with traffic jams, pollution, and the high costs of gas—not to mention the wear and tear on vehicles. 

Working from home means you can kiss the daily commute goodbye, and use that time more wisely. Whether you spend the time hanging out with your children, preparing a home-cooked meal, or knocking some tasks off your household to-do list, you will undoubtedly feel less stressed and far more productive. With an at-home job, you have the freedom to make every minute in your day count, instead of watching the time fly twice a day during your commute.

Being Present Matters

Do you dread the idea of leaving your older children at home to fend for themselves while you are at work? Or do you worry about your younger children who spend the majority of their waking hours in daycare? When you have an at-home job, you can be present for your kids—no matter how old they are. Let’s face it - even teenagers can benefit from having their parents around more often, even if they don’t always act like it! 

Company owners who place a high priority on healthy work-life balance for their employees know that remote positions bring families together and make family life a little bit easier for everyone.

Boost to the Family Budget

If you are accustomed to pinching pennies to make your family budget work each month, you may be pleasantly surprised by how much you can save working from home. Research from the Telework Research Network reveals that a typical remote employee may save between $2,000 and $7,000 each year by working from home instead of going to the office. 

Here are just a few of the expenses you’ll no longer have as a remote employee: 

  • Professional wardrobe – While you may still need a few stylish pieces if your job involves video conferences, there’s no need to spend a fortune on keeping your professional clothing updated. Throw on an ironed top with your favorite sweats or yoga pants, and no one will know the difference. If your at-home job doesn’t require video, you are free to wear the comfiest clothing you own every single day. 
  • Lunches out – Most traditional employees admit it’s easy to spend way too much money for lunch when working in an office. Even fast-food daily can add up to quite a lot of money each month. Working from home means lunching from home and saving a big chunk of change you can put into your grocery budget instead.  
  • Gas and vehicle expenses – This may be one of the biggest impacts on your finances. Not having to pay for the fuel to drive back and forth to work can create a lot of extra room in the family budget. You’ll put fewer miles on your vehicle too, which results in fewer trips to the repair shop. 
  • Childcare costs – The cost of childcare is a tremendous burden for working families. Working from home may mean you can greatly reduce or even eliminate paid childcare, depending on the type of job you have. 

Become a Remote Employee with Digital Market Media

If you are ready to find an at-home job that allows you to experience all of these benefits for your family, it’s time to learn more about Digital Market Media (DMM). We are proud to be a leader in the work-from-home and digital marketing industries. 

Check out our call center position openings to find out if we have an employment opportunity that’s right for you. As one of the best work from home companies, we value families and help our employees to achieve greater satisfaction in their careers and lives.