

Written By
Susan Anderson
Work at home opportunities / April 1, 2020

3 Ways to Work from Home without Chaos

Written By
Susan Anderson
3 Ways to Work from Home without Chaos

Are you wondering how to set up your work at home environment? These three ways to work from home will help you to stay focused despite the chaos around you. 

Do you need to find ways to work from home that will help you to stay focused even when there’s chaos around you? You aren’t alone! As more employees get acclimated to working at home in the face of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), they are finding it is more than a little challenging to get down to business, especially when the kids are home from school. 

Even without kids, there are a number of distractions around you that can keep you from doing your best work when you aren’t used to doing your job at home. Keep reading to learn three strategies for making this new at-home work adventure a success, including how to set up your office or workspace.  

Too Many Distractions Making You Crazy?

Achieving focus to work from home is a skill that requires some practice, so give yourself a little grace as you adjust to this new phase of your career. For some, the call of household duties is a significant distraction. Since you are home, you may feel compelled to fold laundry or do the dishes. Or you may suddenly notice the floor could use mopping.

For others, it's the other bodies in the house, creating chaos and distraction. If the kids are home from school, you may find the continual barrage of questions prevent you from focusing on work tasks. Or maybe you are drawn to the Disney+ marathon happening in the living room.

And let’s not forget the distraction of social media and online news. With so much happening in the world, it’s far too easy to get lost on the Internet, reading the latest commentary on COVID-19 from news sources or friends. 

First Things First, Set Up Your Work Environment

One of the keys to succeeding while working from home is to have a proper space to work. Plopping down on the living room couch with your laptop with kids, pets, and television distractions all around you is a fast track to low productivity and unnecessary stress. 

Instead, claim your space and let everyone know this is your workspace and distractions are not allowed unless it's an emergency. Even kids can respect your space and learn to give you the peace and quiet you need to focus. If you don’t have a dedicated office, you can set up an area in your bedroom or dining room where you can get away from everyone else. Put everything you need for your job in the area, including any computers, headphones, and office supplies. Having everything in one place will prevent you from having to go back and forth between multiple spaces. 

Create Structure for Your Work Day

Another critical strategy for minimizing chaos is creating a schedule for your day and sticking to it. Then, share the schedule with anyone else in the house, so they know what to expect. For example, you could set up a schedule similar to this:

  • Check non-work-related email and social media in the morning for 30 minutes.
  • Focus on work-related tasks until your first morning break.
  • During the morning break, answer questions from kids, or help them get focused on their school work tasks for the day. Or if you don’t have children, use this time as you wish.
  • Resume working, avoiding the lure of social media and other online activity until your next break.
  • For your lunch break, spend time with the kids or doing whatever you would like.
  • Resume working again until the end of your workday.

It may take an adjustment period, but by creating structure and sticking to it, you and anyone in your household will begin to know what to expect and what is expected of them. 

Protect Your Free Time

One challenge many new work-at-home employees face is thinking they should work outside of working hours. Although your work station is at home now, you still have to know when to walk away and enjoy life outside of work. Once you’ve put in the required time working for the day, close out of your work email and tasks and be present for those in your household. Watch your favorite show. Cook a meal together. Go on a walk. Do some yoga. Play a game. Connect with friends on social media. Whatever brings you joy, do that! 

It's essential to strive for a healthy work-life balance, which will make you more productive during your workday. You will find it's easier to get focused during your working hours when you've maximized your time outside of work.

Need a Work at Home Job? Consider Digital Market Media

While businesses are sending their employees home to work, many other employees are out of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related closures. If you are seeking ways to work from home, connect with our team at Digital Market Media. We currently have openings for lucrative positions, allowing you to work from the comfort and safety of your home.


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